Friday, November 27, 2009

Disco Rough Issue One - ZickZack Records

Disco Rough is a music magazine published in Melbourne, Australia. First issue is on German Post punk label ZickZack. It includes interviews with Palais Schaumburg, Freiwillige Selbskontrolle, Einsturzende Neubauten, The Wirtschaftswunder, Die Todliche Doris and Alfred Hilsberg. It also features the first English translation of the article in which Zickzack label owner Alfred Hilsberg coins the term Neue Deutsche Welle.


  1. hi,
    this sounds very interesting. is it available as a pdf for download? otherwise please let me know how i can obtain a copy.
    thanks in advance

  2. Hi Martin?

    thanks for your interest. The first edition
    is sold out. I will be publishing an updated
    version in the next couple of months along with the second issue of Disco Rough. Ill let you know when they are ready.

    All the Best

